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AMP remembers the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

AMP remembers the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre on 13th April 2018


On this day in 1919, a peaceful gathering of Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs had assembled at the Jallianwala Bagh to assert communal harmony and the need for a united stand against a common Enemy. Their resolve for Unity was met with bullets and innocent blood of over a thousand people was shed. We have come a long way from then and that monstrous Enemy has long departed from our shores. Yet our great Nation continues to be haunted by seeds of dissension sown by them. We are threatened by monsters from within who want to divide us for their vested interests.

Let us remember the innumerable sacrifices of those who laid their lives for a Free Nation by becoming slaves of our petty ideologies and false heroes. Let us not fight amongst ourselves and try to see the similarities beyond our differences. We are all children of the same Motherland. Only when we break free from these vicious clutches of communalism and hatred, can our Nation become truly GREAT!!!


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